Uninstall Logmein Hamachi
- When you find the program LogMeIn, click it, and then do one of the following: Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall. Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program). Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove LogMeIn.
- Uninstalling Hamachi Assuming you installed Hamachi with one of the.deb files provided at the Hamachi for Linux download page, just remove the logmein-hamachi package: That stops the Hamachi service and uninstalls Hamachi. If you want to also remove systemwide configuration files, you can use sudo apt-get purge logmein-hamachi instead.
LogMeIn Hamachi is an application offered by the software company LogMeIn, Inc. Frequently, people want to uninstall this program. This can be efortful because uninstalling this by hand takes some skill regarding Windows internal functioning. The best SIMPLE manner to uninstall LogMeIn Hamachi is to use Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Uninstalling Hamachi on Windows Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Windows computer, Go to your Windows Start menu and click Control Panel Programs Uninstall a program., Select LogMeIn Hamachi and click Uninstall., Choose if you want to Remove all user settings and Hamachi configurations. Type logmein uninstall and hit Enter Once the uninstall is complete, reboot the computer If a command line uninstall is unsuccessful, you can perform a manual uninstall. To perform a manual uninstall, please follow the steps below.
How to uninstall Hamachi
Hpe network discovery tool free. Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Windows computer:
- Go to your Windows Start menu and click Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program.
- Select LogMeIn Hamachi and click Uninstall.
- Choose if you want to Remove all user settings and Hamachi configurations.
- If you select this option, all your networks and membership information will be lost.
- If you leave the option unselected, you will have all your networks on the Hamachi user interface when you reinstall LogMeIn Hamachi.
- Click Uninstall.
Uninstalling Hamachi on Mac
Chord gitar one direction little things. Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Mac: Er308 filler rod holders.
- In Finder, go to the Applications folder and double-click HamachiUninstaller.
- Choose if you want to Remove all settings and Hamachi configurations.
- If you select this option, all your networks and membership information will be lost.
- If you leave the option unselected, you will have all your networks on the Hamachi user interface when you reinstall LogMeIn Hamachi.
- Click Yes.
- Enter your Mac user password and click OK.
Uninstalling Hamachi on Debian-based Linux
Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Linux computer running Debian-based operating system, such as Ubuntu:
- Go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager and enter your root user password.
- Search for logmein-hamachi in the Package Manager.
- Right-click logmein-hamachi and click Mark for Removal.
- Click Apply.
- Click Apply again for confirmation.
- To remove your Hamachi user and network settings, delete the /var/lib/logmein-hamachi/ folder on your computer.
How To Uninstall Logmein Hamachi
Uninstalling Hamachi on Red Hat-based Linux
Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Linux computer running Red Hat-based operating system, such as Fedora:
Can't Uninstall Logmein
- Go to Add/Remove Software and enter your root user password.
- Search for logmein-hamachi in the Package Manager.
- Clear the checkbox next to logmein-hamachi.
- Click Apply.
- To remove your Hamachi user and network settings, delete the /var/lib/logmein-hamachi/ folder on your computer.
Uninstalling Hamachi after a tarball installation on Linux
Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Linux computer if you installed in client from a tarball (.tar file):
Uninstall Logmein Hamachi
- Open a Linux console.
- To remove the Hamachi client, type /opt/logmein-hamachi/uninstall.sh
- To remove your Hamachi user settings and networks, delete the /var/lib/logmein-hamachi folder.